YAY...right now! : A Traveler's Notebook Class

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YAY...Right Now! : A Traveler's Notebook Class

It's a cool class, yo!...okay, so maybe I should give more of a description than that...lol! This self-paced class is indeed very cool and just chock-full of fun, new ideas for creating a Traveler's Notebook mini that reflects you and your life right now -- what you are loving, what you are watching, reading, doing, etc! It's kinda like a time capsule in Traveler's Notebook form! I will show you how to make a Traveler's Notebook that is all about you and what's going on in the here and now...which will be different for everyone and therefore very special and unique to you! I will teach you how to decorate your Traveler's Notebook outside cover, how to make a one-of-a-kind Traveler's Notebook insert, and lots of other awesome Traveler's Notebook lessons! These lessons will include how to get artsy in your TN with drawing and painting and sewing, how to incorporate pocket page scrapping in your TN, how to use ephemera in your TN, and how to do layouts in you TN. I will also teach you different ways to write in your travelers notebook -- like with lists, quotes, and traditional journaling. Plus, a whole lot more! We will have fun with vellum and transparencies and tags and do some die-cutting, stamping, and Minc-ing too! It will be a scrappy extravaganza extraordinaire!...And by the end of the class, I will have shown you how to make a Traveler's Notebook that is just right for you! Oh, and that's not to mention the fact that you will also be getting free printables and cut-files with this class, too...have I left anything out?! Like I said, it's a cool class, yo! So, come and join me on this scrappy adventure...like...yay...right now!!!! :-)

Visit this page for more pics of the class content.

See you in the classroom, have a happy scrappy day, and go live your "life as a fairytale" :-) !